"I was amazed at the standing-room-only Big Ideas session hosted by First Insight. Given other interest we saw at NRF this year, it's clear that pricing is undergoing a Renaissance, if not a whole other wave of innovation." – Nikki Baird, partner, RSR Research


“To bring in new tools which will help you set the right price up front, so that you can arrive at the final price with the most gross margin throughput against your competitive set, to me is the wave of the future that we have to get on with.”
- Matthew E. Rubel

“You have to know your customer, who is that customer, you really have to understand who they are and what they are looking for.”
- Mindy Meads

“There are no retailers in the world who have ever succeeded who have disregarded the behavior of customers and the presence of competition.”
- Mark Cohen

“Retailers have an opportunity, with more tools available than ever before, to make better decisions.  It’s just a question of everybody starting to use them.”
- Nikki Baird